Let's all be completely honest - MOTHERHOOD IS HARD.
It is the hardest job that we will ever have in the entire world, but it sure is the most beautiful and the most rewarding. And I think we are all guilty of taking it for granted that we are mamas. As I go on with my everyday life, I am guilty of forgetting that not every women is able to be a mama. What I've definitely experienced through my journey is that there is A LOT of "un-solicited" advice or just negative comments that people say all the dang time.
As I've talked about in my other blogs, getting pregnant with Mason was a hard experience. We miscarriage our first baby, then were pregnant with Mason just 2 weeks later. And I honestly don't think we would have been as appreciative throughout our pregnancy with Mason if we didn't experience loss. We saw pregnancy is a completely different light.
My first trimester was rough - gallstones, morning sickness, etc. But every single day I was in awe and just thankful that God has given me a healthy baby to hold yet another day. Every day seemed like a milestone and we were so excited to raise up this little babe. Being a pregnant women, you're obviously tired almost all the time, but when people would ask how I was doing & I told them that I was tired - there was nothing but negativity.
"Oh, you think you're tired now? Just wait until that baby comes."
"Enjoy your sleep while you can!"
DUH. I know what I'm getting myself into. I'm not oblivious to the fact that I will be caring for another human being and be tired pretty much all the time. That's what motherhood is all about. We're tired through pregnancy & I know I will be tired for the rest of my life. But I was excited for it - doesn't that just sound crazy? Who is excited to be tired? Lol. I was excited because I knew that with sleepless nights, God gave me the gift of a beautiful child that He chose me to raise. Every sleepless night has been worth it and I'd do it all over again.
Early in my pregnancy, about 12 weeks, a lady who I barely knew said, "I'm just going to tell you because no one told me, but depression is completely normal after pregnancy."
Again, another thing that was like "DUH," but I couldn't believe that was being told to me. I appreciated her being so open and honest with me, but I also was shocked. What happened to encouraging other moms? Speaking the Lord's blessing over the womb? Not speaking negativity about depression that is only from the enemy!
It didn't end there. As I've become a mama - I've heard so many beautiful words of encouragement from friends and family, but again, I was in shock about some of the negativity people spoke over motherhood and my baby.
"Just cause he's a good sleeper now, doesn't mean it will always be like that."
"Mine slept good for the first couple of months, then they wouldn't sleep at all. Just wait......"
"My first child was such a good baby with no problems, then my second baby had so many problems and wouldn't ever sleep or eat."
"Just so you know, baby's aren't always this good."
"If you have another baby, they probably won't be as good as Mason."
"It's fine if he chews on your hand now, but wait until his teeth come in - you won't wanna do that anymore."
"Let your baby cry it out - it's the only way they'll learn."
"Don't hold them to much or else they'll be too dependent on you."
The list goes on & on........
MAMAS!!!!!!!! We have to encourage one another instead of speak negativity over each other's lives! We are all in this together and we are all on the same journey!!!! Let's lift each other up, help each other out, rejoice when our babies sleep through the night, share tips, be an encouragement to one another because being a mama is the hardest job, especially when negativity is spoken over each other's lives! We don't have it all together - let's just be honest, but hey, at least we all try. Day in and day out, we do everything for our little babies. It's not about us anymore, it's about them. We feed them, wipe their poopy blow out diapers, get peed on, spit up on, rock them to sleep, comfort them, and when they wake up, we have to wake up. There's no clock in, clock out. We are working 24/7.
God has called each and every one of us to be a mama. All those who've miscarried, aborted, lost their baby after birth, or gave birth to a baby - we are ALL on the same team and we were all called to be mamas. God chose each and everyone of us specifically to be on this journey together and to encourage one another throughout motherhood. Every's baby is different - obviously. Some breastfed, some not, some sleep through the night, some don't, some cloth diaper, some not, some old, some young - but guess what, we're all mamas. We all do things differently and raise our children different because we all have our own beliefs and things that work only for our baby. But we need to be mamas of encouragement and empowerment. Lift each other up, instead of tear each other down. Next time you see a pregnant mama, new mama, or long time mama, I encourage you to encourage them. Speak positivity and blessings over their lives, their babies, and their babies babies. Buy them a cup of coffee, cause Lord knows we can all use an extra up - Amen to that!
And at the end of the day, we're all in this together....
Motherhood is messy, the laundry is never ending, the house gets hit by a tornado almost every day, and our coffee always is cold by the time we get the chance to sit down and drink it - but motherhood is a beautiful mess and I wouldn't want it any other way.

"I am exactly who and what my children need."
"I must take care of myself so I can take care of those I love."
"What other mom's do has no bearing on me or my abilities."
"My family loves and values me as a mother."
"I am worthy of the love I receive from my family."
"My children will appreciate that I play with them more than they will appreciate clean floors or folded laundry."
"Motherhood is challenging for everyone and it's okay to struggle."
"I am doing my best."
"It's okay to need, want, and take a break from my family."
"My children are smart, kind, and happy and they learned some of that form me."
"I am a good mom."
Lots of Lovin'